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Custom Solutions Spotlight: Managing Users

Greg Houston

Our Relativity experts and custom development teams often provide custom solutions to Relativity customers who want to do more—or achieve unique workflows—with the software. Once these applications are built, they’re often posted for everyone in the Relativity community to use.

You can view and download the most popular solutions in the new Advice Hub section of the Relativity Customer Portal. Here’s a quick preview of what you’ll find to help you manage and monitor users in your workspaces.

Login History by User Report. This script reports on all user login and logout actions for a selected date, as well as the aggregated amount of user time logged in to the system.

Disable Inactive Users. This Relativity Action Script will disable users in Relativity who have been in the system for a certain amount of time and have not logged in for a specified number of days.

Environmental Level User Login and Workspace Access. This system-level script displays a report of a user’s login activity within a date range, including the dates they accessed each workspace.

User Counts per Workspace. This script calculates the number of standard and system admin users in a Relativity instance for a selected month and year. Results are grouped by workspace name.

We encourage you to learn more about these custom solutions in the Advice Hub in the Customer Portal. They can help make simple, day-to-day tasks in Relativity more efficient. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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